While playdates for kids are an essential part of the development of the kid, there are many things that parents have to keep in mind while arranging a playdate. The playdate is a fun way for kids to spend time with other kids, but there are certain precautions that you need to take care of.

Here are a few playdate ideas for kids.

Tell jokes

Jokes are one of the best ways to make kids laugh. While kids are playing, try telling them a few jokes. You can make up some funny stories and try to impress your kid with your skills of telling jokes.

Cardboard box

A great way to keep kids busy is to get them involved in creating something. Instead of just letting them watch you, make them help you. A good way to do this is by using a cardboard box. Let your kid paint or draw on the box and use it as a play area for them. They will love the idea of making their own play space.

Playdate Ideas For 6 Years Old

Read aloud

Reading aloud is a great way to engage kids. You can read to them from their favorite books or use some imagination and make up a story. This will also help them understand the importance of reading. Reading aloud will help them improve their vocabulary as well.


Crafting is another great way to engage kids. Let them make paper airplanes, or play house with them. Kids will love the idea of making something new. It will also help them develop their creativity and imagination.

Obstacle course

If you have a place where you can set up an obstacle course, you can use it as a play area for kids. This will help them improve their motor skills. Have a race with them and make sure that they win the race. This will also improve their self-confidence. 

Go on a picnic

Going on a picnic is a great way to get kids to spend time with you. You can take them to a park and set up some food and toys for them to play with. You can also take along some good books for them to read. They will love this idea of having fun in the park.

Paint together

If you have paint and paints, you can use it as a toy for kids to play with. Get your kid’s attention by making them paint something or make up their own painting of something. This will help them develop their creativity and imagination.

Play house

Playing house is a great way to have fun with your kid. You can make up a house and let them play in it. Let them play all the rooms of the house and let them decide where they want to go. They will love this idea of playing with their own house.

Hide and seek

This is one of the best ways to have fun with your kid. Hide yourself in some corner and make your kid find you by hiding some of your belongings in different places around the house. This will help them improve their spatial awareness as well.

Sing together

You can make up some songs for your kid to sing with you. You can sing some favorite songs from the past or even make up some new ones as well. Kids will love this idea of singing with you. They will also love the way you are interacting with them.

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