We all love kids and we are happy to see them playing with their toys. But sometimes, we get very busy and there is not enough time to play with them. But if you find a way to make it happen, you will be able to spend some quality time with your kids.

In this article, we will discuss some ways in which you can make the most of your kids’ play dates. We will also provide some great ideas for how you can help your kids make their play dates more fun and interesting. So keep reading!

Playdate Ideas For 12 Years Old

Make a recipe together

It is great to see your kids in the kitchen. They can get really creative when they are playing with food. And this is one of the best ways to spend some quality time with your kids.

You can get creative and make a great recipe together. But first, you will need to find out what your kids like to eat. You can ask them or use your common sense. Once you know what they like, you can go ahead and prepare the recipe.

Make a mailbox together

You can start by creating the mailbox using some household items you have at home. For example, you can use egg cartons, plastic bags, tin cans, and so on. Once you have created the mailbox, you can fill it with things that your kids like.

For example, you can put in some crayons, paper, and some coloring books. You can also put in some toys and a picture of the family or your kids’ favorite character. This is a great way to spend some quality time with your kids.

Play with a pet

Let your kids play with a pet. You can start by finding a small animal. For example, you can choose a hamster, a guinea pig, or even a cat.

After you have found the pet, you can take them to the park and let them play with other kids. You can also take your kids to the pet store and let them pick out the animal they want to play with. This is a great way to spend some quality time with your kids.

Go on a picnic together

You can spend some quality time with them by going on a picnic. You can go to the park and bring some food with you. This is a great way to spend some quality time with your kids.

Sports game

You can play some sports games with your kids. You can choose any sport that you and your kids like. For example, you can play tennis, basketball, or football. You can also choose a game that is a little more active. For example, you can go to the park and play frisbee or dodgeball.

Board games

You can also play some board games with your kids. You can choose any board game that you and your kids like. For example, you can play chess, Monopoly, or checkers.

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