Kids can be a handful, especially when they are in the process of learning how to play. They have a tendency to make a mess, climb on everything and jump off of things. A border will help to keep the play area tidy and limit the ability of kids to go places they shouldn’t.

There are a number of different styles of borders that can be used, but they all serve the same purpose. They help to keep children contained in a particular area and also limit their ability to move around the play area. Keeping outside areas neat and tidy is a great way to ensure that kids are playing safely.

The following is the steps to border a playground:

Purchase Materials

To start, you will need to purchase the materials that you will need. These include wood and wood scraps. You will also need a number of fence posts and string. You can also use netting if you have an area that is prone to accidents.

Rough Layout and Prep Work

Once you have the materials that you need, you will need to take some time to measure out the area that you will be using. You should make sure that there is enough room for all of the kids to play in and also for parents to sit and watch. If you want a safe space, then this is something that needs to be accounted for.

You will also need to take a look at the fence posts and make sure that they are sturdy enough. You will also need to get a plan in place on how you want your borders laid out. You can choose different styles and also consider how long it will take for the kids to learn how to play safely on your property.

How To Border A Playground

Set Up Batter Boards

Once you have the layout of the borders set up, you will need to cut out the material that you will be using for the fence posts. You will also need to get a cutting guide for your material. You can use a miter saw or even a hand saw if you do not have access to one.

Dig Corners and Make Squares

Once you have the material cut out, you will need to dig the corners. You will also need to make squares out of the material that you are using. You can use a garden shovel or even a trowel to make sure that you have a straight and even line.

Make Levels and Drill Holes

Once you have the corners dug out, you will need to make sure that the levels are level. You will also need to drill holes in the corners so that you can attach the fencing material. You can use a tape measure and an electronic drill if you do not have access to a hand drill.

Attach Posts and Fence Material

Once you have drilled holes in the corners, you will need to use wood screws to attach the posts. You will also need to use the string to tie up your material around the posts. You can use your staple gun if you want a stronger hold on your fence material.

Test It Out and Adjust as Needed

Once everything is in place, it is time for some testing and adjustments. If something needs adjusting, then it is best to make adjustments now rather than waiting until later when things might be too tight or loose.

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